Here at New Life we seek to glorify God through worship, evangelism, and fellowship. While growing spiritually and serving Him, we show love and compassion to those in need.
Lord’s Day:
9:00 AM - Bible Study [to include children’s classes]
Sister Renee Cox – Ladies study “Jonah”
Brother Bob Medeiros - "For I Am With You-Do Not Fear"
10:30 AM - “Fellowship of Worship” with Elder Medeiros – Gospel of Matthew, "The Five Great Discourses"
6:30 PM – “Family Bible Hour” - Elder Medeiros, James
10:00 AM - Prayer Meeting in Library
12:00 PM - AA Meeting
5:00 PM - AA Meeting
10:00 AM - Women's Interdenominational Bible Study
5:30-7:30 PM - New Life Kids & New Life Students
6:30 PM - "Bible Hour" - Elder Medeiros, 1 John
12:00 PM - AA Meeting
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.
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